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Here are some of our recent articles. We’d love to hear your comments and questions!

2024-25 Student Planners Have Shipped!

We are delighted and honored that this fall, over 3,500 students at a wide variety of schools across the country will be using Paideia Graphic Design’s student planners. Most schools we worked with were affiliated with the ACCS, Great Hearts,

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Graphic Design Is Visual Rhetoric

I (Patrick) divide my time between two roles. As an educator, I guide students through senior thesis projects, helping them choose great topics to research, write about, and defend during public presentations. As a graphic designer, I help school leaders

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FREE Reading List Template

As the school year draws to a close, it’s a great time for teachers and students to look back at all the great books they read. This is a great way to… ✔️ Share reading lists to your school’s website

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ACCS Business Affiliate Announcement

As one of newest Business Affiliates of the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS), we are grateful for the opportunity to support and serve schools like yours. Our experience working with and even teaching in ACCS schools for the past

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Student Planners Are Ready to Order!

Standard Cover Custom Cover Our student planners for the 2023-24 school year are almost ready to print and will be ready for the first day of school! We are excited to offer (1) Planners customized for particular schools, complete with

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Senior Thesis Posters & Programs

Congratulations to the seniors at Cary Christian School, who are doing a PHENOMENAL job with their senior thesis presentations this year! Designing the posters and programs that advertise and celebrate the event required a few important design techniques that other schools

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PowerPoint Design Tips for Teachers

There’s a lot of great resources out there for how to create better PowerPoint presentations. For schools that value aesthetics, a compelling visual aid is an important part of effective rhetoric and good teaching. The book Presentation Zen totally transformed

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Redesigning a Graduation Program

“Homemade” is great for meals, but not graphic design. When it comes to programs for special events, many schools rely on designs put together by overloaded administrative assistants or parent volunteers. Students, parents, and grandparents often hold on to programs

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