Why specialize in design for schools? Because schools are what we know and love best. We have over twenty years combined experience working in school administrative offices, teaching in the classroom, and working closely with school development and marketing staff to assist with graphic design needs.

We take our name from the Greek concept of paideia, which envisions education as much more than an intellectual exercise or means of gaining a set of skills. Education as paideia is a culturally formative enterprise that trains students to pursue lives of truth, goodness, and beauty. As G. K. Chesterton put it, “Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.” That means every part of a school teaches something–from the books students read, to the architecture of the building, to values the teachers hold dear, and even down to the aesthetic values the school promotes through its flyers, posters, brochures, programs, and advertising. Helping schools make excellent impressions through elegant and creative designs is our passion.

Paideia Graphic Design is owned and operated by Kaylie Halbrook and Patrick Halbrook. After working with a wide variety of clients through Halbrook Designs (established in 2006), they turned to specializing in print and web design projects for schools.

Kaylie Halbrook received her first behind-the-scenes look at school administration during the four years she spent working at her college’s development office. That experience, combined with her background and interest in art and design, prepared her well to effectively understand the graphic design needs of schools. Kaylie has worked as a graphic designer since 2006 and is highly proficient in Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, and WordPress. 

Patrick Halbrook brings a unique perspective to his graphic design work thanks to his 19 years of experience in the classroom as an ACCS-certified high school teacher. He has worked closely with directors of development, arts, athletics, and communications–as well as event coordinators, board members, and heads of school–to plan and publish digital and print materials for schools. Patrick is highly proficient in Adobe Photoshop, Squarespace, and WordPress.